How much revenue share do ad networks take?
The percentage of revenue share taken from your earnings depends on platform and their policies.
Most common percentage is %30-%70. You (publisher) get %70 and platform takes %30.
But again it varies from platform to platform.
Lets take a look at revenue share taken by popular ad networks.
How Much Revenue Share do Ad Networks Take?
Most popular ad network, google adsense takes %32 share from your earnings. Previously google was taking %30 only. But in recent years they updated their policy and now they take %32.
This %32 is for content. If you are using google search feature on your website for monetization. Then you earn only %51.
ProperllerAds only take %20 revenue share, so you are left with good %80.
PopAds revenue share not known.
AdMaven revenu share not know.
HilltopAds take huge %45 revenue share, so publisher get %55 comparetively low to other networks.
Revcontent takes only %20 revenue share, so you (publisher) get %80 of revenue.
Taboola makes it half-half. Taboola takes %50 revenue share and so you get %50.
Comment other network revenue share. Also comment your questions if you have any. Thank you for reading.