Adsterra High CPM Rate
Adsterra high cpm rate will be explored in this article.
Adsterra is perfect for a low traffic website since it has no traffic requirements, and the minimum payout is $5.
There are numerous payment options present.
It has good CPM rates for conventional traffic: popunders in the USA, Germany, and China, banners in Germany and USA, and in-video ads in France and Germany.
Adsterra High CPM Rate
For a software downloading website, the highest adsterra cpm is found to be $54 for traffic from germany. Actually got $63 but coudn't find it in stats.
Don't be shocked or think that its fake.
Here is the image.
Doesn't it look overwelming to see such rate? If you are beginner you might think that.
That is just for few impressions and it doesn't give correct stats, if we look at stats for few months then the picture becomes clear.
For four month period, australia is still at top with cpm of $7.801 but we have only 14 impressions.
Among all other countries and with sufficient impressions we noticed that highest adsterra cpm was just over $2.
If your traffic is from India and you are using pop under ads, highest CPM you can get is $0.47 .
That's it for this article.
You should also be inetersted in knowing lowest cpm rate that adsterra offers.
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